From beginners to expert level in 15 hours. Learn from a developer writing code and executing it.
Last updated 6/2017
What Will I Learn?
- Build websites from scratch using Angular JS
- Use Browserify and import a single JS into index html
- Create Server using NodeJS
- Applying Bootstrap styles into AngularJS applications
- Develop complex applications from scratch using Angular JS
- Learn the perks of AngularJS
- Write a Blog from scratch using AngularJS, Bootstrap, Browserify, Toastr and NodeJS
- Having a basic understanding of HTML also helps but it is also not mandatory
- Understanding “if” and loops clauses helps but are not mandatory
If you heard about directives, scope, routes, Dependency Injection, Browserify, bootstrap,controllers, factories … and you have no idea or not quite sure what they are or how to use them or you just want to learn AngularJS then this course is for you.
This course was designed for either new or existing developers. All the sections and lectures are split in a way that will help you get the most of this course which no boring sections.
You will not just learn AngularJS but you will understand it. Learn from whom works with it on a daily bases and have the passion to coach ( that would be me lol ).
All the code is written on each lecture and explained as we write it.
Every section has one “introduction” and one “overview and download” lectures which helps to prepare you for what is coming and to wrap it up with what we just learned.
There are 10 projects to be developed with you on the fly and if you feel like skipping it no worries you can always download it.
For the last project we will create a nice Blog application using Bootstrap, toastr which can be seen on the last free preview.
Angular 4 is there but many companies cannot move even to Angular 2 because of compatibility. This will teach you from the basic $scope to the complex stuff like routing, services, multiple controllers, using date filter, promises and much more.
I hope you join me on this adventure.
Feel free to watch the introduction video and the previous available.
Marcos Costa
Who is the target audience?
- Anyone who wants to learn Angular JS
- Interested in apply Browserify into the Angular JS application
- Developers seeking to improve their skills
- Existing Angular JS developers seeking to refine their understanding of Angular JS